Scaredy Cats TNR

Scaredy Cats TNR
We need Volunteers!

How you can help

Volunteers will meet with Carson City residents to deliver a trap, provide training how to use the trap and information about Scaredy Cats TNR process. The volunteer will be responsible for holding the trapped cat(s) until their spay/neuter appointment, to recover after their appointment and then return the cat to its home.

Feral colony feeding
We have a number of colonies that need regular feeding and watering each day. Let us know where you are located and we can find you a colony to help.

Kitten Fosters
We often come across kittens that need some TLC before they can be spayed/neutered and put up for adoption. Kittens must be at least 2 lbs and be in great health. You can foster these kittens at home, by providing food and love you give them a great start in life.

Does your business support local non-profits? Mention us. Can you put a donation container at your workplace?

Every Tuesday we have spay/neuter appointments at Nevada Humane Society in Carson City and sometimes we have appointments in Reno. Cats need to be picked up from where they are being held and taken to their appointments in the morning and then picked back up in the afternoon.